How Geriatric Counselling Helps Seniors with Depression

Geriatric counselling at home in Chennai

Imagine waking up each morning feeling like a heavy fog has settled over your mind, making it difficult to see the brightness of the day ahead. For many seniors, this isn’t just a scenario from their imagination but a daily reality. Depression among the elders is a challenge that often goes unnoticed or unaddressed. Life moves fast, and sometimes we forget about our seniors.

They have their own set of problems that can make them feel down. Health issues, losing loved ones, and feeling alone are just a few. And talking about how they think isn’t always easy. There’s a lot of stigma around mental health, which can make them feel even more isolated.

But there’s hope. It’s called geriatric counselling. This kind of therapy is just for seniors. It gives them a safe space to talk about their feelings and helps them find ways to feel better.

Depression can affect seniors. It makes them feel sad and can mess with their thinking and memory. It can also cause physical problems like trouble sleeping or eating. When seniors are depressed, they might not want to do things they used to enjoy, and it can make it hard for them to get along with others. It’s crucial to help seniors who are depressed because it can lead to other health problems and sometimes even thoughts of hurting themselves.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 5.7% of seniors aged 60 years and above experience depression. It highlights the importance of mental health care and support for seniors to ensure that they can maintain their quality of life and well-being. It is essential to raise awareness of depression among seniors and provide them with the necessary resources to manage this condition effectively.

They also suggest that therapy is the first choice for treating depression. If depression is moderate or severe, therapy with antidepressant medication can be combined. However, for mild depression, medication might not be necessary. Effective therapies for depression include behavioural activation, cognitive behavioural therapy, interpersonal psychotherapy, and problem-solving therapy.

However, when it comes to geriatric counselling, they address depression among seniors by providing support and interventions to meet their unique needs.  They help with,

  • Discovering the cause: They find why seniors feel down by looking at their health, losing people they care about, feeling alone, or thinking about life.
  • Dealing with loss: They talk with seniors to help them handle losing someone or something important.
  • Showing empathy: They listen and show they get how seniors feel, which can make them feel understood.
  • Remembering good times: They help seniors think about happy moments of their lives, which can make them feel good.
  • Improving sleep: They advise by helping them sleep better, like having a routine and making their bedroom cosy.

These ways can help geriatric counsellors see what seniors hold on to and make them let go of them through various counselling sessions. Also, receiving geriatric counselling at home along with familiar individuals can make seniors feel better.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, they state that paying attention to these specific changes can help detect depression in seniors early.

Such as,

  • Not Enjoying Things They Used to Love
  • Avoiding Social Activities
  • Neglecting Personal Care
  • Skipping Medications and Appointments
  • Neglecting Household Duties
  • Financial Issues
  • Changes in Cognitive Function

They also suggest individuals should support their elderly loved ones by assisting with their daily routine, organising social gatherings with friends or family, and providing stimulating activities to keep their mental health and cognitive abilities in check.

At Athulya Home Healthcare, we understand the challenges faced by seniors, especially with their emotional well-being. Our geriatric counselling services provide comprehensive support for older adults dealing with anxiety, sudden mood swings, disinterest in treatment, and other related issues.

When you choose our Geriatric Counselling, you can trust that your loved one will receive personalised care from experienced counsellors who thoroughly evaluate their needs and create tailored therapy plans. We believe in the power of regular follow-ups to track progress and ensure effectiveness & work collaboratively with other healthcare providers to address complex issues like memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease and others. Our commitment to privacy and dignity means that every counselling session is conducted with respect and confidentiality.

If your loved one is experiencing age-related medical issues, cognitive or mental health concerns, behavioural changes, or post-traumatic stress, we’re here to help. Making an appointment is simple – just contact us at 98849 45900 or visit our Athulya Senior Care website, and let us support your loved one on their journey to a better life.

Information: This blog serves informational purposes only and should not replace any treatment or diagnosis. Seek professional help in case of any emergency.

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